Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Dream a Little Dream...

I dreamnt a dream of death
That I could not wake from.
With every attempt
I would find him
Peering from the shadows.
I tried to shut him out,
Distract myself from what I saw
And the fear clenching my heart,
Only to find myself asleep again.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Her army came stealthily in the night.
At first as a whispered nightmare easily soothed.
A simple misunderstanding of reality easily corrected
With negotiations and promises of a better tomorrow.
But her army grew restless and sought out those weak and vulnerable.
Terrorizing those who wonder the night and those who slept in their beds.

No one was safe.
All lights were never extinguished
To banish the shadows and expose truth.
But sleep came and so did they
With their long swords slicing up those who dreamed of a better future,
With their mallets to crush any readiness for tomorrow's fight.
And everyday slowly became a continual night.

A night where no friends exist.
Where trust is a treasure held more tenderly than money or love.
For a friend is a foe in disguise
And a foe is openly ready to take you down in the name of the tyrannical queen
The very one who began this war.

She laid barren many gardens where hope had grown.
She burned down temples and banished art
Leaving only obsession with death festering in every ally and dead end.
Waiting for the village to finally crumble and submit.

Submit to her need for control
Submit to her lies
Submit to the death she wishes for you.
Waiting for you to
Submit your heart and soul.

Submit to the sadness.
Submit to the anger.
Submit to the self-destruction.
Submit to the despair.
Submit to the nothingness.
Submit to the emptiness.
And never get up again to fight for the life that is rightfully yours.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Teddy Bear Picnic Update

The annual Teddy Bear Picnic was a huge success. The rides and base sales brought in well over two-thousand dollars, allowing us to afford more bedtime books in the library. Thank you everyone who came out and supported such a great community event!

Teddy Bear Newscast

Goldie Locks Locked-Up

We go live to an interview with Papa Bear after the turbulent four-month court case, The Bears versus Goldie Locks. I am certainly one bear that will rest easy after justice was served this afternoon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Poetry Teddy: Poem 1

I dreamnt a dream of you and I
Gazing happily into the sky.

Pondering of what's to come
Never asking where we're from.

We laugh the night into the day
And forget anything that may cause dismay.

I laugh until the pain begins
And then I finally let you in.

My life is pain and without you
I honestly don't know what I'd do.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Philosophical Teddy - Love Gone By

I had a dream last night of you and I.
Dancing among the stars
With our hearts filled with love and laughter.
No end to our endless love insight.

I awoke to the sun peeking through the shades.
I turn to caress your side of the bed
Wondering when we will be together again.

Philosophical Teddy - Dream Poem

I had that dream again, where I could fly in the oceans and swim through the suns. This time I couldn't tell if I was dreaming and tried to wake. I stared down at my limp body, wondering how long I was gone this time.

Seconds? Minutes? Lifetimes?

I reached down to tell if I was dreaming. I fell out of bed with a large thump. I looked up at the white washed ceiling. Wondering. Pondering.

When will be the last dream?